Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Podcast Discovery Week


I've uploaded a YouTube podcast to my blog (see below) and added the RSS feed for Podcast.net to my Bloglines account. I found the podcasts relatively easy to find but then so many of them, either were no longer available or they required some special downloadable software in order to see them. Not a very satisfactory exercise - very frustrating! This applied to all three directories, although Yahoo didn't require as many special downloads.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It can be so frustrating when the podcasts you want are no longer available or corrupted!

I can't seem to find the podcast on your blog - where abouts should I be looking? I looked down the sidebar and scrolled down but couldn't find it (My eyes might be playing tricks though). I just need a link to a podcast and then I can credit you for thing 21 :D